Review Process

Ironwood Crossing's community design guidelines are unique to our community. The guidelines allow for creativity and diversity while maintaining a balance with the natural desert landscape. The guidelines provide an overall framework for harmonious design and criteria for size, style, materials, and color.
Most visible changes to your home require advance approval by the Design Review Committee. Visible is defined as "seen from the street, neighboring property or through an open view fence." The Design Review Committee uses our approved, published Design Guidelines to make sure changes are compliant. 
The process is easy, and the Assistant Community Manager is happy to assist you with making sure your application is complete or if you have any questions.

What is the Design Review Committee (DRC)?

The Board of Directors delegates to the Design Review Committee (DRC) the day-to-day management, maintenance, and development of the Architectural Guidelines, including decisions to begin investigating change proposals, procedures for investigating changes, and preparing the language for proposed changes with the following caveats and understandings:

A.    The Board may choose at its own discretion to provide direction and guidance to the DRC about expectations and parameters for how to manage a requested change. This will be done by vote of the Board.
B.    The Board may direct the DRC to elevate a specific topic on the parking lot to an active investigation. This will be done by vote of the Board.
C.    The Board may request the DRC to answer questions or clarify proposed changes at one of its meetings or as part of the DRC meeting. This will be done by the vote of the Board.
D.    Individual Board members may also ask questions or provide comments like any resident, but these questions and comments should not be viewed as the questions and comments of the Board. 
         1.    Individual Board members may not provide direction to the DRC, except those who may be chairing the committee, without those comments and direction being formally voted by the whole Board. 
         2.    A Board member may request the whole Board meet and discuss an issue, typically a working session meeting, before sending comments to the DRC.
E.    To keep the Board informed, the DRC will include in their monthly report:
          1.    List of active and pending topics to review in the Guidelines.
          2.    Status of active topics being reviewed.
F.    The DRC will provide the Board with the proposed new language and other conclusions from investigations before they are circulated to the community for review.
G.   The DRC will provide the Board with its final recommended language for adoption into the Architectural Guidelines.
The Board of Directors approves by vote the final language before it is incorporated into the Architectural Guidelines.

Design Review Submittal Process

The completed Plan Submittal Form, along with all required attachments should be submitted together. All submittals must include a current, color photo of the area to be renovated and any additional applicable information (i.e. sketch, photograph, sales brochure). Please note approval process can take up to 45 days and must have a signature. 
To proceed with submissions, it is required to include a plot plan. This document can be acquired from Fulton Homes by contacting them at 480.753.6789 and selecting option 3 for customer care. In most instances, they can promptly email the plot plan to you on the same day.
All work must be completed within 90 days of approval unless an extension is requested in writing and approved by the Design Review Committee.
If your project requires the Town of Queen Creek or Pinal County permits/approvals, they must be obtained before you start the project.
All completed submittal forms and documentation should be submitted to the Assistant Community Manager.

House Painting Process

To maintain a fresh look in the community, it is recommended that an owner's house be painted every seven years. 

A submittal form is required for all house paintings, whether the same existing color or a new color scheme within the home's elevation.   

If you are choosing a new color for your home simply follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Locate your home address by clicking on the link below. Make note of what series your home is in and what elevation you have.

  Home Elevations by Address
  Original Home Paint Colors

STEP 2: Choose one of the four paint schemes available for your Series and Elevation by clicking on the appropriate link. Please note, that the color schemes may not be combined. Only the colors within one scheme may be used. 
STEP 3: Fill out the submittal form. Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for approval. A formal letter for your files will be emailed to you. If painting the same color, please note this in the scheme selection section.

How to Request a Change to Current Design Guidelines

The following process is meant to provide a consistent and fair review of all proposals for modifying Architectural Guidelines for the Ironwood Crossing Homeowners Association. Architectural Guidelines are also known as Design Guidelines and Landscape Guidelines.

1.    A formal request to is made to the Design Review Committee (DRC) to change guidelines. (See form.)    
       a.    Completed requests are placed on the DRC Parking Lot for investigation. 
2.    The DRC will choose items from the DRC Parking Lot to investigate. 
       a.    Decisions to investigate are based on the overall need/impact to the community, level of difficulty, and availability of resources.
3.    The DRC assigns a committee member as Lead Investigator. 
       a.    Depending on the complexity of the issue, the Lead Investigator may complete the work themselves, have other committee members assist them, or create an ad-hoc committee of HOA members to review.
       b.    The Management Company is available to provide administrative assistance, historical perspective, data collection, and other support as their resources allow.
       c.    Legal counsel does not need to be involved at this stage but may be consulted if specific legal questions arise or to make sure proposals are consistent with laws and regulations.
       d.    For issues of particular interest or concern, the DRC, at the Lead Investigator’s request, may hold a town meeting or conduct a survey of Association members to discuss possibilities, ramifications, and collect member feedback.
4.    Lead Investigator (along with those helping) prepares a proposal of what changes to make and the reasons for them. The proposal given to the DRC includes a side-by-side comparison of the existing language and the proposed new language. Additional documents are attached as needed to help explain the reasons for the specific changes. (Examples of additional documents include, but are not limited to applicable laws, survey results, town hall notes, example guidance from other HOAs, etc...)
       a.    A recommendation to make no changes is appropriate along with reasons for not making the change. 
       b.    Not necessary to complete the final language at this time. At a minimum, clearly describe what the original language states, what it should be changed to, and reasons for the change.
5.    The DRC reviews proposed language and, if accepted, begins final review and approval:
       a.    The Board of Directors is provided a courtesy copy of the draft changes and two weeks before community review. (Board approval is not required at this stage, but the Board may ask to discuss the proposal before it is sent for review to the community.)
       b.    After the Board Directors have had an opportunity to review and any resulting questions and comments have been resolved, the draft proposal is posted on the community website for community review and written comment. The community is given 10 days to review and comment from the date the proposal is posted and the community is notified.
6.    Lead Investigator and DRC collect and review comments, summarize, and provide to the DRC their final recommended language of what to adopt. 
       a.    The Lead Investigator may seek input from the DRC and/or previously established ad hoc committee to resolve received questions and comments as needed.
       b.    Formal legal review of final language is obtained and addressed.
7.    Board reviews and adopts the final language at their General Session Meeting.
8.    Final language is incorporated into the Design and Landscape Guidelines.
Adopted July 15, 2022, by Design Review Committee