
Looking to get involved with your community? 

Committee Applications are currently being accepted for the Design Review Committee, Landscape & Enhancement Committee, and the Social Committee.
The preferred method of an application is by clicking the link above. A completed paper application, Committee Application can be submitted at or by dropping it off in person at that the Ira A Fulton Aquatic Center - Ironwood Room (41680 N Barnes Pkwy).
Design Review Committee (DRC)
The Board of Directors delegates to the Design Review Committee (DRC) the day-to-day management, maintenance, and development of the Architectural Guidelines, including decisions to begin investigating change proposals, procedures for investigating changes, and preparing the language for proposed changes.
The Design Review Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month. View the community calendar to see the exact meeting dates each month.
Landscape and Enhancement Committee
The primary objective of this Committee is to serve as an intermediary body responsible for offering valuable recommendations on various projects to the Board of Directors. The time commitment entails attending monthly meetings lasting two hours, with additional hours allocated as per assigned task. The meeting date and time are TBD. View the community calendar to see the exact meeting dates each month.
Social Committee
The purpose of the Social Committee is to work with the Lifestyle Director to implement and evaluate community events, programs, and activities sponsored by the Ironwood Crossing Homeowners Association. Assist by planning an annual calendar of community events, and acting as an organized volunteer force to produce and facilitate these events, programs, and activities. Meeting dates and times have not been set yet.